PSQS: Process

From start to finish, PSQS delivers.

PSQS: Workflow


Design and hosting of the online PSQS will be undertaken using the Contractor's established in-house software. Invitations to complete the survey usually generated in-house but could be done by the contractor.

N.B. A demonstration version is available here. This version has notes to highlight areas that can be customised by each institution.


Once the survey is closed each institution’s data file will be quality checked then returned in the preferred format (SPSS, Excel, CSV etc.) for local analysis. Institutions can also purchase of a range of analysis and reporting options from the Contractor.


The deliverables have two strands:

  • Survey results for individual institutions
  • Results benchmarked against aggregated data from the other participating institutions

Adding an anonymous benchmark beacon, or best in class, will be trialled this year.

PSQS: Survey design and data collection

Good design facilitates the collection of good data. Good data provides the basis for meaningful insights.

The PSQS process encourages good data right from the start by being both intuitive and straightforward. The survey interface has been developed to respond to a wide range of devices including tablets and mobiles.

Its convenience helps to build confidence and encourage engagement. The sharply defined questions about each unit's performance have proved reliable measures of quality over time.

As far as possible the setup of the survey is automated by generating questionnaires directly from specifications provided in a format convenient to each institution. Such automation has been key to developing fast and accurate survey set up procedures.


PSQS: Data processing and dissemination

After the survey is closed each institution’s data file will be quality checked (e.g. removal of blank submissions, incompletes etc.). Institutions will be provided with a copy of their data file to undertake their own analyses and reporting and can also take advantage of the analysis and reporting options provided by our Contractor.

The PSQS survey platform provides reporting tools for live monitoring of survey progress and results. The data can be exported in formats suitable for use in a wide range of professional packages such as Excel, SPSS, Quantum, Tableau, Triple-S Unicom Intelligence and R.

Many current participants integrate the data into existing in-house management information systems.

Survey Progress

Bar chart

Bar chart

PSQS: Reporting options

There are two main strands to reporting. The first is to provide the survey results for each institution, the second is to provide the results benchmarked against the all participating institutions comparator group.

Survey results can be presented in an Excel workbook containing charts and tables. Individual institution reports are optional. The benchmark report is included in the standard basic package. A range of additional reports can be purchased:

  • Institution Excel report. Comprehensive set of charts and tables.
  • Institution report (PDF) with executive summary, charts, tables and text commentary.
  • Benchmark report (PDF) with executive summary, charts, tables and text commentary

Other reports and analyses are available on request including, for example, time series, trends analysis and online interactive reports. Summary reports can supplied at institution, departmental and service unit level.

See the PSQS Commercial proposal in the Resources section for more details and costs.


PSQS: Hosting and Security

PSQS provides fully controlled and compliant hosting on our Contractor's London-based servers.

Security, Availability and Integrity are paramount. PSQS guarantees:

  • End-to-end ISO27001:2013 security across the entire operation.
  • GDPR compliance
  • Resilient cloud architecture that provides real-time mirroring, full failover and backup
  • that all data is encrypted at rest and during transit, and
  • 99.9% uptime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
